Degrees in: GeoSciences
Earth Science and Physical Geography (MEarthSci) FF6VEarth Science and Physical Geography (BSc) FF68Earth Sciences (BSc) F600Earth Sciences (MEarthSci) F640Ecological and Environmental Sciences (BSc) CF17Ecological and Environmental Sciences with Management (BSc) CN12Environmental Geoscience (BSc) F630
Geography (BSc) F800Geography (MA) L700Geophysics (BSc) F660Geophysics (MEarthPhys) M7G6Geophysics and Geology (MEarthPhys) L3R7Geophysics and Geology (BSc) F690Geophysics and Geology with Professional Placement (MEarthPhys) L5T6Geophysics and Meteorology (BSc) FFP8Geophysics and Meteorology (MEarthPhys) K7T8Geophysics and Meteorology with Professional Placement (MEarthPhys) K8T9Geophysics with Professional Placement (MEarthPhys) U9H6